STS Education Group

STS:ssä tarjoamme kokemuksellista oppimista ohjattujen kielimatkojen ja lukiovaihtojen muodossa. Tilaa esitteemme tai lue lisää ja inspiroidu tekemään elämäsi paras päätös!

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STS Discover you

Going on a high school exchange, is an equally exciting and terrifying thought. It is an experience that will make you more independent, increase your confi dence and let you learn a lot, especially about yourself.

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"The best thing about being a host family is that you create lifelong friendships."

STS - language trip

Going on a language trip will boost your language skills – in the classroom, on a sightseeing tour, while figuring out the underground of London, when buying “un croissant”, while chilling “à la plage“, on an evening cruise, or while having your very first English breakfast.

STS high school exchange

This is the full broschyre containing 60 pages. Studying abroad not only gives you an international education, but it also allows you to grow as an individual and become a citizen of the world.